Veterans Day Open House

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Date/Time:Wednesday, 11 Nov 2009 from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Location:Christian Petersen Art Museum, 0003 Morrill Hall
Contact:University Museums
Channel:University Museums
Categories:Arts, performances
Actions:Download iCal/vCal | Email Reminder
The wars of the 20th century, their losses and their toll on humanity are a frequent and important theme in the work of Christian Petersen. Though he is often known as "the gentle sculptor," Petersen gave much attention to the subject of warfare. In honor of Veteran's Day and all military veterans, University Museums will be giving tours of the exhibition "All the Evils: Christian Petersen and the Art of War."

The community is also invited to a special Gold Star Hall ceremony honoring veterans and their families in the Memorial Union's Great Hall beginning at 2:30 pm.